What makes Global Leaders successful? Moving people around the world it is vital to develop global leadership capabilities. What kind of person thrives on cross-cultural complexity? A global mind-set is often developed early in life. A leader has to figure out where he stands today and know his strengths and weaknesses. 

To succeed overseas, you need a global mind-set. It comprises:

Intellectual Capital
General knowledge and capacity to learn

  • global business savvy
  • cognitive complexity
  • cosmopolitan outlook

Psychological Capital
Openness to differences and capacity for change

  • passion for diversity
  • thirst for adventure
  • self-assurance

Social Capital
Ability to build trusting relationships with and among people who are different from you

  • intercultural empathy
  • interpersonal impact
  • diplomacy

Managers always have to set up a plan for improvement and focus first on the area where they are weakest. Read more under http://hbr.org/globalize-yourself-list



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